Monday, June 11, 2012

Digital Writing

In the article, Why Digital Writing Matters, a teacher of writing addresses some issues with which I have lately had a lot of concern!  He provided a couple of cool links to sites such as Crocodoc and Eli, and he seems to have written an article to convince other educators why writing digitally matters. 

English teachers around the country are probably frustrated with their colleagues in other disciplines; it seems as if the reading and writing scores of most schools are often placed on the shoulders of the language arts teachers.  This article argues that while teaching writing IS important and SHOULD be done, we must realize that our kids don't even realize how important their texting, facebooking, blogging, and other "digital writing" is.  Employers and universities want people who are good writers, and in today's society, one must be able to write both digitally and conventionally. 

I would be interested in reading more about digital literacy and how to incorporate it into secondary school!

1 comment:

  1. Those sites from the article are interesting and I look forward to really checking them out. Times are changing and teachers should embrace digital writing because that is what students can relate to. At the very least, teachers should find a happy medium between writing and digital writing in the classroom.
